We constantly receive communications from churches that are interested in considering joining our Convention. For that reason we have created a guide that explains the procedure to apply for membership in our Convention. Attached you will see the process, but if you have any additional questions or concerns, you may contact our office.

Affiliation Process

Step 1
Application for Membership
1. Church expresses interest in joining CIBSPR by letter.
2. Church fills out the online or physical form and sends it to the Convention.
3. Evaluation Committee (EC) receives solitude and initial contribution to the Cooperative Program ($300.00)
Step 1
Step 2
1. Plantations are verified with Send Network - Puerto Rico
2. Non-SBC are EC verified.
2.1. Submit Declaration of Faith and/or Documents requested by EC.
Step 2
Step 3
1. EC coordinates Pastoral Interview appointment.
1.1. Pastoral Panel.
2. All requirements are verified.
2.1. Affirmation of Faith and the Baptist Message 2000
2.2. Affirmation of commitment to COP
Step 3
Step 4
A list of churches is recommended for membership in the Executive Committee and then in the Messengers' Assembly.
Step 4
Step 5
Affiliated churches continue to cooperate through the Cooperative Programme and CIBSPR activities.
Step 5

More information

Send your details so that we can contact you.

    Descarga el documento PDF para completar la declaración de afiliación.